5 SEO Trends to Boost Your E-Commerce Business in 2022

ecommerce SEO expert

The world of ecommerce is very competitive; new websites spring up every day. There are a lot of players out there and the competition is really intense. The time is high to rethink your marketing strategy and focus on SEO for ecommerce sites.

For the success of any online business, SEO is vital; it can make or break your brand. If there are two websites selling the same thing, the search engine optimized website has higher chances of getting more customers and making more sales. Catch up with these latest SEO trends and build an effective strategy for your brand to drive big traffic.

Create High Quality Content

One of the most important aspects of handling an e-commerce website is content creation. It has a significant role in driving traffic to your site. In addition, it gives your website the essence to attract the attention of more audience and increase your brand reach. Every ecommerce SEO consultant suggests that, whatever happens, producing quality content for your site is the most essential SEO strategy for most businesses. Creating website content might sound overrated but it’s still the mighty king when we talk about effective SEO strategies. Professional ecommerce SEO services produce informational and SEO-optimized blogs and articles so your page gets more views and engagements. Content is always the king and its power is unimaginable.

Make a Mobile Friendly Website

According to a study by the World Advertising Research Centre, by 2025, more than 1.3 billion internet users will access online platforms via their smartphones. Further data analytics firm App Annie reported that in 2018, consumers worldwide spent a whopping $101 billion via mobile phones.

These numbers tell us only one thing - your mobile website needs to be in its best condition all the time. Almost everyone searches for products or services online using their smartphones. Hence, Google and other search engines are starting to assess and rank websites on the basis of how mobile-friendly they are. Any successful ecommerce SEO agency prioritizes adding this feature to your e-commerce website so that Google can crawl your website. Typically, people achieve a mobile-friendly website by investing in website hosting that supports the mobile-friendly feature.

Add Video to Product Pages

Video is one of the most powerful content forms, making a significant contribution to your overall SEO strategy. Videos are evidence of quality content, generate social shares, help to build links and above all, send signals to search engines that your page contains rich media.

2021 saw many online retailers implement product video to increase conversion rates. Research states that more than half of the online shoppers feel more confident about making a purchase after watching product videos. Any ecommerce SEO expert suggests placing the product videos on individual product pages and also optimizing videos for search. Add relevant keywords, meta tags and so on so your potential customer is taken to your page when they search for a product or service.

Use Artificial Intelligence

From science to tech and medical industries, artificial intelligence is widely used to provide consumers with quality products they want, need, and expect. And today, AI has the ability and power to do the same for SEO, it’s a match made in heaven.

Google streamline results as per a particular user’s needs with the help of RankBrain, a search engine algorithm that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence. While Google is quite hush-hush about the inner workings of RankBrain, any ecommerce SEO company surmises that a lot will depend on the user’s experience on a Web page. The amount of time spent on your ecommerce website and click-through-rate will most likely be the defining factors to rank well on SERPs. Anything that keeps a reader engaged will most likely draw RankBrain’s attention, so a lot depends on the quality of content you put out for your audience on the web.

According to any successful ecommerce SEO expert, AI will be one of the most pivotal trends of 2022, so keep that in mind as you set your ecommerce marketing goals.

Practice User Intent Optimization

When it comes to staying on trend with SEO, optimizing your website to focus more on user intent is vital. 2022 is the year when the online audience is more specific on what they are looking for when they search the internet. They have specific questions and expect accurate answers from the pages they visit on the web.

While creating content to publish on a website, an experienced ecommerce SEO agency thinks of how the target audience will be looking into that content for answers to their questions. If one focuses on giving solutions to the target audience, they bring more organic traffic to their website, ensure visitors stay longer on the site, and build trust with their target audience.

NCSofttech is a leading ecommerce SEO company in India working with both small and big brands to improve their revenues through customized search engine marketing strategies. Our ecommerce SEO services aim to understand our clients’ brands, craft the best-fit search marketing strategy and support it with flawless execution to ensure the brands achieve their business goals. Our expert ecommerce SEO consultant has unmatched expertise in implementing SEO at scale, even for websites over millions of pages. Our team has extensive experience with enterprise and e-commerce SEO, and hence we are confident that you can command a higher market share on search engines as compared to your competitors. NCSofttech is an extended search marketing arm of our clients that works seamlessly towards a common goal and drives results faster.

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