Influence of Digital Marketing on Indian Real Estate Industry

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Indian realty industry has since always been one of the most attractive sectors for investors and buyers alike. If we look at the investment trends among people here, investment in gold or real estate is perhaps the most popular choice among people. The value of real estate appreciates at an incredibly fast pace and is, therefore, a preferred choice among businesses and individuals looking for the safest bet when it comes to investing their money in something that starts appreciating right from the day of purchase.

The industry, however, has been through many ups and downs in the past few years. One big factor, other than the demonetization, behind the slumping demand for real estate during the last couple of years is COVID-19. The pandemic has affected all and sundry equally and with no mercy on people, businesses, and the world.

Just as it was with any other industry at that time, the real estate industry also underwent a serious phase of silent slowdown with the prices of properties falling at all-time lows. While a lot of businesses drowned forever, there were a few that continued to thrive even in the bad times that COVID inflicted upon us. How? They followed the unconventional and most trending route of digital marketing. In this post, we will have a quick look at the impact of digital marketing and SEO on the real estate industry, how COVID-19 has affected the industry, the current situation, future prospects of the industry, and how SEO is helping the lost industries like real-estate revive the thrive.

Is Digital Marketing the Real Game Changer for the Realty Sector?

“Digital marketing has helped businesses increase their number of qualified leads by roughly 300% to 500%. The ball is in the court of realtors now who are now feeling more empowered and able to convert maximum visitors into future/potential buyers. Branding and lead generation have boosted drastically in real estate with digital marketing. I strongly believe digital marketing is going to be a game changer for the realty sector in the future as well. This is especially true because most buyers today refer to online channels (websites, etc.) to compare and search for properties and other things they intend to buy. If your business is not listed or available online and if it is not marketed adequately, you may end up losing your potential buyers to your competitors,” says Naresh Chauhan – a digital marketing consultant and SEO trainer at NCSofttech.

Pre COVID Realty Market

The real-estate market was thriving with new projects being rolled out by top builders as well as governments across the nation. The rising prices of property encouraged people to consider property buying worthwhile investment options that may continue to yield profits for them and their future generations. With the banks offering discounted interest rates on buying bigger houses, the demand for bigger houses had increased sharply. The market seemed quite promising until COVID attacked humanity.

Real Estate During COVID Era

As COVID-10 was declared a global health emergency and a pandemic, the effect was seen on all businesses and amongst the worst hit was the real estate industry. A big reason behind this was the huge population that vacated big cities and started moving to the countryside or their hometown. The two years of the COVID era were a huge pain for all – physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. As people’s incomes dropped and the focus was mainly on survival, the real-estate market took a nosedive and it appeared the situation will never get better soon.

What Kept a Lot of Businesses Alive, Up, and Running During Covid-19 Era?

While most businesses had to face a massive blow leaving and monetary losses, there were a few that managed to survive and even excel. How? Let me tell you. They stopped following the trodden, traditional path and opted for the latest, digital route. By promoting their property options across social media and different digital platforms, a lot of realty businesses made sure that they were in constant touch with their customers and business prospects. They choose to transform their business from physical to digital. But as they say every night has its morning, the COVID-19 also ended and with that began a new era of hope, positivity, life, and enthusiasm.

Real Estate Post COVID-19

The post-COVID world is quite different, more competent, and ready to take on newer challenges. Digital transformation of businesses and digitization of most traditional real-estate businesses provided the organization with options and ways to reach out to their potential customers and generate positive leads and eventually sell. A lot of businesses that opted for digitization have already made up their losses with a sudden surge in demand in this sector. The massive demand appears seemingly impossible for businesses to meet. However, it has encouraged builders to come up with more innovative, attractive and lucrative options at the most affordable rates.

Future of Real Estate

“If we go by the forecasts, the Indian realty market should cross US$ 1 trillion market by the end of 2030 – a significant rise in comparison to the figure released in 2021. It is also expected that the real-estate sector of India will contribute roughly 13% to the GDP of the country by the year 2025,” as per Naresh Chauhan – the digital marketing guru, IT expert, and an entrepreneur with a keen interest in the digital transformation of real estate and other industries. For more information and a thorough discussion on this subject, please feel free to book your appointment with Naresh.

Conclusion: We can understand from the discussion above and the statistics that are making headlines in newspapers and digital platforms that digital marketing is the future of most businesses today and real estate is no exception. To maximize your sales, generate quality leads, and boost your revenues, experts like Naresh strongly recommend SEO and digital marketing.

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