“Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Ratan Tata, Ambani, Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar, Aishwarya Rai, Sania Mirza, Sandeep Maheshwari, Jaya Kishoriji, Vivek Bindra, Gaur Gopal Das, and thousands more … these aren’t just some people … they themselves are brands. Anything associated with them is immediately reckoned and recognized as worthy of attention or appreciation. Of course, their accomplishments are undeniably immense but one thing that is common among all of these is their personal branding,” as per Naresh Chauhan – personal branding expert, trainer, and digital marketing specialist at NCSofttech – a leading personal branding agency in India.
When asked about the need for personal branding for eminent personalities and aspiring businesses as well as individuals looking for building a huge audience to listen to their words, Naresh told us, “Even if they were doing great work, people wouldn’t have recognized or adored them to the extent as they do now. They are known to one and all because they have been branded and promoted well through different media – from print to audio-visual and digital. All their achievements are discussed on global platforms that have millions of audiences, which gives them (as a brand) massive exposure. If you think just doing great work in silence will help, my friend let me tell you this is the age of marketing and promotion. If you don’t let people know about your good work, they would not know about it. Furthermore, if someone deliberately paints false (and negative) pictures about you among your targeted audiences, it is personal branding that can help you overcome the threat of being misinterpreted or misunderstood.”
As a trusted personal branding consultant in India, Naresh has helped countless clients to build a powerful personal brand and earn more trust and confidence among their targeted audiences through positive and truthful influencing.
If you think that personal branding is only useful for celebrities and people living a public life, here is something interesting you should know about. Let’s understand this with the help of an example from real life. I am sure you all know well about Sudha Murthy – wife of honorable Shri Narayana Murthy (CEO and co-founder of Infosys – a Multinational IT company. Now she is a great author, writer, and philanthropist. But honestly how many of you knew about her great work until you saw or read about it somewhere on social media? The power of social media and personal branding is such that these days not only businesspersons but actors, singers, dancers, choreographers, politicians, emerging leaders, and people from different industries and sectors are relying on personal branding to boost their chances of success in their chosen domain.
A personal branding agency in India can be your trusted resource to help you build a powerful personal brand. Once people start recognizing you on the digital (as well as offline) sphere, it will become exceptionally easy for you to promote anything as people find things endorsed by known/ trusted people more interesting and credible than others.
Personal branding is powerful and great for people and businesses anywhere across Delhi, NCR, Gurugram, Noida, Bhubaneswar, Lucknow, Shillai, and other parts of India as well as across the globe. Personal branding can be the ultimate key to your unprecedented success. So, before you plan to launch a successful business or brand, I suggest you must consider personal branding to boost your success chances manifold.
Naresh is a trusted and highly sought-after personal branding consultant in India who has worked for over a decade and a bit more in this sector. He takes each personal branding project seriously and understands the impact of each activity performed as part of the personal branding campaign. As per Naresh, “You can use personal branding as a powerful tool to wipe off any negativity surfacing online and negative words that could have been spread by your opponents to downgrade you and distract you from your road to success. Try the power of personal branding for your business growth and success.”